Thursday, 29 January 2009

J'aurai un entretien au téléphone or something like that!!!!

I am pleased to announce that, through some amazing stroke of luck, I have a phone interview with Yummy Jobs, scheduled for some time in the next week or so!!!!

So, here I go again... Wish me luck.

I'd been away from WDWIP for a few days and had not checked my e-mails either so was not surprised, but still suitably worried to see an e-mail from Michele titled 'telephone interview'.
I got in, but a lot of deserving people did not. Ours is not to reason why obviously, but it must be so deeply frustrating for them as I know it was for me when I didn't make off of the Waiting List.
It is a bit confusing as there seems to be no logic to the selection process... people with seemingly extensive experience didn't get in - weird!

I'm really sad for these guys, but urged them not to give up - Disney dreams do come true!!!
As for me, Megan, Steph, Todd, Jim and a couple of others whose real names I don't know, we are through and are awaiting confirmation of the times/dates of our little chat with Michele or whoever it is from Yummy.

That is all of the news from Disney at the mo, except dear Skipper Lou is now FIVE days away from departure (note to self: must check her blog!) and that is indeed very exciting!!! Impatience is not going to get the better of me this time though - I'm going to remain calm throughout...

Otherwise, life proceeds well. I've just finished my exams (well, tbh I only had one!) and am now reading for my dissertation. Semester Two starts next week, so it'll be back in to the daily grind of lectures etc soon! Joy of joys!!!!

Will update this post with the date and time of the Phone Interview and my next post will probably be after it has happened.

Unil then;

"Please stand clear of the doors...
Por favor mantenganse alejado de las puertas..."

oOo oOo oOo oOo oOo oOo oOo

1 comment:

Jaana said...

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do excellent! :) And don't feel bad about getting in, there's always someone taking someone else's place. Just smile and show them how much you want it and surely you'll get it this time around. :) Keeping my fingers crossed and anticipating my own f2f interview in March.

-Janey form WDWIP